Free Download:

The Salesforce Data Security Checklist

by Strongpoint


Download the Salesforce Security implementation guide and start monitoring activity of sensitive users

Your Salesforce Org may not be as secure as you think it is

Salesforce's SecOps team does a great job controlling backend security on the platform.

But they can't control how your Org is customized, or who can access it. And those gaps can create vulnerabilities. 

Watch the clip for a brief explainer on Salesforce Data Protection:


Simplified security for cloud-based systems

Strongpoint's intelligent, automated tools address the key pain points of customized Salesforce systems:

Application Security

for Salesforce

Proactively protect business-critical data and processes.

Access Management

for Salesforce

Investigate and manage who can do and see what on the platform.

Change Enablement

for Salesforce

Evolve your CRM safely and efficiently with impact analysis.

Get the guide to the gaps that put your Org at risk

Adopting an industry-leading cloud-based CRM like Salesforce offloads a lot of the responsibility for data security to your team. But if the recent Solar Winds attack taught us anything, it's that there are still gaps, and if you don't have the right tools, processes and policies in place, your organization will remain vulnerable.

We've put together this short Salesforce security checklist to the main issues you need to address to protect sensitive data in your Salesforce Org. Submit a form and get your copy today. 

What's Inside the eBook:

data security ebook icons@2x
Training Your Team
Securing User Access
The Principle of Least Privilege
Change Controls and Policies
And more!

Book a Free Consultation

Data security in Salesforce should be proactive, not reactive.

To find out how to build better change policies and access controls into your Org from the ground up, get in touch with Strongpoint today.